Creative Producing 101: Your Short Film Production Guide

2nd edition – 2024

Are you passionate about filmmaking?

Producing a short film is often the first step into becoming a professional filmmaker or producer.

Creative Producing 101 offers insight into the world of short film producing. This handbook provides an overview of important activities, guides you on your path to becoming a Creative Producer and gets you started with your short film project. This handbook is a hands-on guide for anyone who wants to make a short film, order your copy on Amazon here.

Creative Producing 101 also builds on the Film production value chain and covers emerging technologies, i.e. Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Productions. The book delves into sustainability practices to include activities that lower the CO2 footprint of your project. But sustainability is defined much broader: it also includes activities to shield people from exploitation and protect our planet and the environment we live in.

Creative Producing can be your guide to becoming a sustainable Creative Producer in a rapidly changing media production landscape. Creative Producing is available on Amazon here.

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Fritz Kohle

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